
Showing posts from June, 2010

Wintersun 2010-GaBe Phoenix @ Classic Holiday Stage June 12th 2010

For the 2nd time that week I saw Gabe Phoenix @ Classic Holiday Stage which he was FANTASTIC and had the Brooker Brothers backing him up. He was wearing the GI Blues gear and he saw me in the crowd saying hi to me. he did the songs from Blue Hawaii, Viva Las Vegas,Gi blues and others. He had photos taken with the fans after the show including myself and he is just FANTASTIC which if you ever get a chance to see him live check it out. setlist- Did You Ever GI blues Wooden heart Pocketful Of Rainbows Come On Everybody Flaming Star Cant help Falling In love big Boss Man Blue Suede Shoes Speedway Edge of Reality Little Egypt You Don't Have to Say you love Me American Trilogy It's now or Never

Wintersun 2010-The Mighty Guys @ Classic Holiday stage June 12th 2010

The Mighty Guys an Austraian rock group who were formed in 1980 and it had Leon Isackson drummer with Dig RIchards & the R'Jays and later on the Rajahs, Mick hamilton of the Moods and The Vibrants and Phil Eizenberg(the Ferrets). The Mighty Guys were playing @ the Classic Holiday stage on Saturday June 12th which the line up had Mick,Phil, mike Lawler on bass, Andy thompson on Sax and on Drums terry gascoigne and they were very good which they performed in between performers Leisa Kerris,issi Dye and Gabe Phoenix as they did classic rock'n'roll stuff. met the guys Mike,Mick and Phil again as I had met them last year @ Coolangatta Hotel and had met Mike @ kedron-Wavell on july 26th 2008 after the delltones show. I also met idris Jones (The Mixtures) after the Mighty Guys' Performance and got an autograph and a photo with Idris and Issi Dye as well as asking Idris about what are the guys of the Mixtures doing these days which he said 2 live in London, 1 live in queen...

Wintersun 2010-Issi Dye @ Classic Holiday stage June 12th 2010

The 2nd show I saw after Leisa Kerris was Australia singer Issi Dye which it was my 5th time seeing him but my 4th @ Wintersun and he was FANTASTIC doing the old rock'n'roll songs which he too was backed up by the Mighty Guys. He saw me in the crowd which he said hi to me and said that i send him an email. He was selling some CD;s after the show which i bought one the Crooners Story which he signed it and got an photo with him as well. Setlist- Dream Lover Yes Sir That's my baby Teddy bear sing Sing Sing Great balls Of Fire All Shook up & Johnny be Goode

WINTERSUN 2010-Leisa Kerris @ Classic Holiday Stage June 12th

On saturday June 12th I went to see one of the 4 free daytime shows @ Classic Holiday Stage on Marine Parade and it was for the 2nd time that week was Leisa Kerris. She again put on an FANTASTIC show backed up by the Mighty Guys and did the Connie Francis set. I enjoyed her performance as always and was just as great as she was on wednesday night.She had Cd's on sale after the show but I did'nt buy another this time. Setlist- lipstick on Your Collar Everybody's Somebody's Fool Long Distance Romeo Vacation Twistin way over there Mr Twister Stupid Cupid Many tears Ago All I Need/Singing The Blues/Bye Bye Love/Your Cheatin Heart/All I Need(reprise)

Wintersun 2010-Rock'n'Roll Stage Show @ coolangatta Tweed golf Club June 11th 2010

On friday night I caught a cab to the coolangatta Tweed golf club to see the rock'n'roll stage show which had BobbY brookes Hamilton,Dean Z and Lance Lipinsky and I bought tickets for that & the Big O Experience on Monday when we arrived. It was my 6th time seeing LAnce, 4 for Dean Z and 3 for bobby and they are just FANTASTIC. I had a look at the memorbillia before the show satrted which i met matman the promoter and asked an lady about the Bobby brookes Hamilton CD how much did it cost which I got it for free as MAtman told the lady. Bobby brookes Hamilton came on first which he did Little Richard and a bit of Motown,Sam Cooke,the platters and his father Jackie Wilson and he was FANTASTIC doing the ooh and shaddup as well walking through the audience shaking hands including mine and ladies kissing him. there was an interval which I got my CD signed by Bobby and got an photo with him. Dean Z was on next which he was FANTASTIC as he does the 50's Elvis with all the move...

Wintersun 2010-Atomic Hi Tones Kirra Sports Club June 11th 2010

On Friday afternoon I went to see the Atomic Hi TOnes @ the Kirra Sports Club and they were FANTASTIC. the group are from melbourne and are very good including the guitarist which he's Very good. The first set for an hour, the other 2 for about 40 minutes and the last set for half an hour. I won an free CD of the group when i anwsered an question about the song Teenage Cutie which i said Eddie Cochran. My friend David who i knwo from the concerts I attend was there and he requested the group to do "The WAy I Walk" which they did it as well as me meeting an couple from NSW who was sitting at our table. The show finished @ 5pm and david took me back to coolangatta which i walked back to Bella MAre. Set 1 Crusin down the road slow down baby yakety yak I Know Rough boy Hey Little Children I love you so Treat Your man Since I've Been GOne That's me Wolfman Brain Can Think Wang Dang Doodle You're Playing With Fire Ready To Bop Honey Lovin baby set 2 Bad Boy Boogie W...

Wintersun 2010-Johnny O'Keefe Celebration Concert Twin Towns June 10th 2010

Thursday night June 10th I went to twin towns to see the Johnny O'Keefe Celebration Concert which they've been doing it since 2003 and 2004 during Wintersun they do this concert as there is the statue of Johnny O'Keefe across the road from twin towns. This was my 3rd time as I saw the show on thursday june 7th 2007 as they had Col Elliott, Tony WOrsley,Vicki Forrest,Vicky O'Keefe and Dennis Knight as well as appearences by Catfish Purser and sax player Jimmy Sloggett at Twin Towns and @ Seagulls on Thursday June 4th last year(2009) as they had Dennis Knight,Lucky Starr,Little Pattie and Lonnie Lee. this show was ROCKIN & FANTASTIC which the show started at 8.30pm with the back up doing Apache and before the show started they showed some of the documentary from 2008 about J O'K. Deana Peher was the compere of the show and sang 2 songs Rockin RObin and Come On Everybody. Denise Drysdale was on next which she sang 4 songs as well as telling jokes & stories and ...

Wintersun 2010-wally and the Gators show Kirra sports club June 10th 2010

On Thursday afternoon June 10th i went to see Wally and the GAtors an local group @ Kirra Sports Club and it was my 2nd time seeing them as my first was 4 years ago on saturday june 10th 2006 where I saw an rockabilly group called Lonesome Train which featured Doug Dekroo who was from the legendary australia singing duo the Dekroo Brothers. Seeing the Dekroo Brothers was my 3rd time as I have seen them twice @ Carina Leagues Club in 2007 and 2008 and the show was ROCKIN & FANTASTIC as they did the old 50's & 60's rock songs as well as a few 70's stuff like Rockin All Over the World. Saw Wally twice in between sets which i had met him twice @ Carina Legues Club as well as being on myspace and each of the group sang lead on some of the songs. i met 5 people Vince,Theresa,Don,Bruce and Helena and the show finished just before 5pm which i walked back to Bella MAre. Set 1 Jenny Jenny chains I got A Woman Mountain Of Love Come Back Again Good Luck Charm Dream Lover Rhy...

Wintersun 2010-The Reel ELvis Show @ Tweed Civic Centre June 9th 2010

My 2nd show I attended @ Wintersun was the Reel Elvis SHow @ the Tweed Civic Centre on the same day as shake rattle and roll show which it was actually my first time attending an show @ the Tweed civic centre. The Reel Elvis Show had Gabe Phoenix doing Elvis Presley and this show had Gabe doing Elvis songs from some of his movies. kay Howick who has an rock'n'roll show on BAY FM 100.3 in Cleveland an surburb of Brisbane called Good Timez Rock'n'Roll every saturday afternoon compered the show and the support act was Leisa Kerris an Brisbane singer did an Connie Francis segement which she was great and i've seen her twice @ Wintersun saturday JUne 7th 2008 @ Classic Holiday stage and sunday June 7th 2009 @ Coolangatta Tweed Golf Club and once in brisbane on Thursday October 17th @ Wynnum Manly Leagues Club as a support act for Dean Z and Lance Lipinsky and during one of the songs 2 guys came on stage wearing an skirt which was very interesting. there was an interval ...

Shake Rattle and Roll Show Twin Towns June 9th 2010

The first Wintersun show I attended was the Shake Rattle and Roll show @ twin Towns on Wednesday June 9th which was very good and ROckin and the compere was an lady called Bubble. The performers on the day were the Rock'nRollers, Dave Ferguson and sharon ROwntree and the dancers were the Rockettes which they were very good. The compere Bubble was telling some very funny stories and they were so hilarious that made us all laugh and also all the performers came on stage at the end of the show doing Ole Time Rock'n'Roll which the show lasted an hour and a half. The rock'n'rollers- It's So Easy,She's So Fine, Rock Around the Clock and Bombora. Dave Ferguson-Great Balls Of FIre,Boppin the Blues, You're 16, Crocodile Rock,The Wanderer,Your Mama Don't Dance & tHAT'LL BE the Day Sharon Rowntree-When Will I Be Loved, Vacation, Lipstick on Your collar, Stupid Cupid,Rockin Robin,Da Do Ron Ron and SHout Rock'n'rollers Pipeline/Wipe Out I'm ...

Stones in Exile

Just an week and a half ago the Rolling Stones DVD "Stones In Exile" was released in Australia and it talks about the period in the early 70's when the group had to leave England reluctanly to France where they took up residency. It was in France where most of the songs that was to be the album which many regard as one of the group's finest achievements "exile On Main Street" were recorded at a villa called Nellcote in Vallefranche-sur-Mer where Keith Richards lived. It is an awesome and BRILLIANT DVD which ahs execellent interviews with the group as they tell the stories in their own words as well with Anita Pallenberg who was Keith Richards' girlfriend and mother of his 2 children MArlon and Dandelion(later Angela), Marshall Chess who worked for the group's new recording label Rolling stones Records,Andy Johns who was one of the engineers on the album, Bobby Keys who played sax and others. The bonus features are just FANTASTIC which has extended in...

the A Team

Yesterday went to see the movie the A Team @ balmoral cinema. In Mexico 4 guys get together Colonel john "hannibal" Smith(Liam Neeson), Templeton "Faceman' Peck(bradley Cooper), HM "Howling Mad" Murdock(Sharlto Copley) and Bosco Albert(BA) baracus(Quinton JAckson)get together by accident. fast forward to 8 years they are fighting in Iraq and they are in mission to steal the plates but then they are set and arrested for the crime they did'nt do which they serve 10 years in federal prison. they escaped and they fight for their innocence which leads to many interesting and adventrous stuff throughout the movie. It's an very good movie and it's action packed too which it's an bit diffrent to the original series from nearly 25 years but it's great anyway. Liam Neeson is very good as Hannibal as well as Bradley cooper,Sharlto Copley and Quinton Jackson are very good as well as Jessica Biel who plays Charisa Sousa an ex lover to face who has an...

The Back Up Plan

LAst Tuesday went to see the Coolangatta Cinema to see the Back up Plan. Zoe (jennifer Lopez) who works in a pet store and has been having an hard time letting anyone in to her life as well as wanting to have an baby but because she had no man in her life decide to be artificially inseminated. In a cab she meets Stan(Alex O'Loghlin)an man with real possiblities and they are starting to a liking to each other and it gets very interesting throughout the movie. it's an very movie and Jennifer Lopez is very good always as well as Alex O'Loughlin as stan as well as tom bosley who plays Arthur, michaela watkins as zoe's best friend Mona, eric christian olsen as Clive, noureen deWulf as daphne, Linda LAvin(from the Tv Show Alice) as Zoe's Nana and others. I give it 4 stars and it's in the cinema's now

Whatever Happened to Diana Trask book

Last Month Australian country pop singer Diana Trask released her autobiography "whatever happened to diana Trask" and which she's been here to promote the book as well as appearing on the TV shows. She tells the story about her start in the music business starting on the local Tv shows like Swallow Parade talent quest and In Melbourne tonight and was the support act for Frank Sinatra and Sammy Davis Jr on the australian tours of 1959 promoted by Lee Gordon. Diana leaves for the USA where she appeared on Don McNeil's breakfast show and appeared as a singer and dancer on the Jack benny Tv show but her big success came as the result of appearing on Sing Along With Mitch hosted by Mitch miller and recorded 2 albums for the Columbia label. Came back to Australia in 1964 with her husband and 2 sons where she hosted the Diana Trask show on Channel 9 and went back to the USA in 1967 where her music direction changed to country music which she had greater success on the cou...