Breakfast With the Stars Tony Worsley and Roland Storm
On Friday Morning June 10th I went to the Greenmount Surf Club for the breakfast with the stars which had Tony Worsley and Roland Storm and it was my 5th time attending the Breakfast with the Stars which my first on Sunday June 12th 2006 @ the coolangatta Bowls CLub with Johnny Rebb,Alan Dale(Aussie rocker),vicki Forrest and Catfish purser (the dee jays) and 3 times in 2009 on june 4th,5th and 6th with Catfish Purser,Alan Dale,Little pattie and Lucky starr at the greenmount surf Club. this day (Friday) was the first one for the festival but the day before(thursday)there was an muck up as the breakfast was supposed to be on the day and those of us who went to the surf club showed the tickets to the people but they did'nt know about the prepaid tickets and we were supposed to pay $15.00 and even tony Worsley who was there did'nt know what was going on but we did chat with tony which i ask about the Go Show concerts and the Long Way to the top tour as well as telling us about ref...