Cooly Rokcs On 2012-Catfish and the Dee JAys show @ Dolphin Hotel

On Thursday June 7th I went to my second show for Cooly Rocks On which was Catfish and the Dee Jays at the Dolphin Hotel which it was my first going there and it was my 4th time seeing catfish and the dee jays. the show started at 8pm which for the next 3 hours the band did 3 sets of classic rock'n'roll stuff as well as some country stuff from acts like ELvis, Buddy Holly, The Beatles, Eddie Cochran,Cliff Richard, Chuck Berry,Dion Di Mucci, Bill haley and Johnny O'keefe and during the show Catfish would suggest to the crowd to make an noise being Cooly ROcks On as well as annoucing that they would play at the Johnny O'Keefe Statue near Twin Towns on Sunday June 10th at 2.45pm. The show finished @ 11.00pm with the band doing Shout/She's mY Baby as Catfish played with Johnny O'keefe and the dee Jays back in the 50's and early 60's which I said hello to Bob and Brian and thanking them as well and saw Catfish which I got an photo with him and also I met John Preston who was one of the organisers for this years Cooly Rocks On as well as one of the people who organises the Johnny O'Keefe Celebration concert and his wife Brownyn. The show was FANTASTIC and everyone had an great time including me and Catfish and the Dee Jays always put on an FANTASTIC show doing great classic rock songs which I always enjoy it and look forward to see them at Cooly ROcks on next year. To those who have not seen them go and see them. set list- set 1- Paralysed Mean Woman Blues Mountain Of Love Wild Side of Life Runaround Sue Rave On/Maybe Baby/Peggy Sue Inside Rockin GooD Way Crusin Down the ROad me and bobby McGee Route 66 Do you Wanna Dance Funny Feelin Teenager In Love Rip it Up set 2 Fly Like A Bird Gonna Sit Down and Write Myself A Letter At the Hop Sway Hound Dog She's So Fine Don't Roll Those Bloodshed Eyes At Me Before You Accuse Me I Loved A Rainy Night Roll Over Beethoven I Don't Know WHy I Love You But I do Set 3 Summertime Blues Lawdy Misss Clawdy I saw HEr Standing there runaway Goodnight Irene Rockin All Over the World Matchbox Rockin Robin Little Duece Coupe Ole Time ROck and Roll Please Don't Tease see You LAter Alligator Shout/She's My Baby


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