the Descendants

Last Friday January 13th I went to the southbank cinema to see the movie the Descendants. Matt King(George Clooney)an lawyer based in honolulu has been forced to look at his life after his wife is in an coma after an boating accident and the events has led him to an rapprochement with his 2 daughters Scottie(Amar Miller) and Alexandra(shailene Woodley) meanwhile Matt wrestles with an decision about seeling the family land handed down from Hawaii royalty and it's gets really intreresting throuighout the movie. It's an sad,touching,funny and an BRILLIANT movie with an excellent performance by george Clooney which I think it's one of his best performances of his career as well an excellent performances by Shailene Woodley, Amara Miller, Beau Bridges who plays his cousin Hugh, Nick Krause plays Sid who is friends with Alex, Judy Greer who plays Julie speer, Matthew Lillard who plays Brian Speer and others. It's directed by Alexander Payne who also produces it with jim Burke and Jim Taylor as well writing the screenplay with Nat faxon and Jim Taylor. I give this 4 and an half stars and it's currently running in the cinemas now.
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