Brother Robert by Annye C Anderson

 This is the book written by Annye C Anderson who is the stepsister of American blues musician Robert Johnson and in it she talks about Memphis in the 1920's and 1930's, Robert's starting playing music at age 7 playing guitar, memories by family members about Robert, Playing for children and house parties, his favourite things including food and entertainers, his sad passing in 1938, dealing with legal issues about the estate and many others. It's FANTASTIC, BRILLIANT and SUPERB with FANTASTIC and Impressive stories as well as enjoyable and entertaining and  it's great to see someone who remembers Robert Johnson as well as experiencing  the time as  still around to tell the story which it's amazing  to see. This is an must for blues music fans as well as fans of Robert Johnson  and I am giving it 4 and an half stars as it's in the shops now so do yourselves an favour and BUY IT which you will be amazed and impressed. 


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