the Fabulous Rock'N'Roll Songbook Cliff Richard
The Fabulous Rock'N'Roll Songbook is the new album by legendary British singer Cliff Richard. This album was recorded in Nashville Tennessee at the Blackbird Studio and the Parlor early this year and it is his tribute to the early rock n roll era of acts like Elvis Presley,Buddy Holly,The Everly brothers,Chuck Berry and others. It is a AWESOME,ROCKIN and a BRILLIANT album which it rocks too and Cliff just sounds so great on this album which he is still in great voice at the age of 73 and also the songs on it are AWESOME and ROCKIN too. This album was produced by Steve Mandile who also played guitar and backing vocals as well as did the engineering, Eddie Healey was the executive producer, Seth Morton was the assistant engineer and among the backing vocalists were Gunnar and Matt Nelson of the group Nelson as well as sons of the legendary American rocker Ricky Nelson and also country singer Vince Gill was also one of the vocalists too. This album is Cliff Richard's 100th album which it is a great achievement for a guy who has being a part of British rock n roll scene since 1958 and still keeping going after all these years it is amazing and also he sang some of these songs on the album in concert which I saw him doing it @ the Brisbane Convention Center on Sunday February 3rd this year. This album is a must for Cliff Richard fans and I am giving this 5 stars which it's in the shop now so do yourself a favour and BUY IT so let's hope it goes in the charts.
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