Melinda Schneider Farewell To Doris Show @ Kedron Wavell

On Saturday 21st September I went to Kedron Wavell to see Australian Country singer Melinda Schneider which was my first time seeing her as she was doing the tribute show to iconic American singer Doris Day calling Farewell to Doris. Dad took me to the bus stop, caught the bus to city which I got off at King George Square, saw Andrew and caught bus to Kedron Wavell. Went to the Kitchen, rang Dad, Saw Sue who I knew from Bowling as I bowled with her son Ben, had Portugese Chicken, potatoes and Broccoli for dinner, drank Coke with Coke with No Sugar and Ate Banana Split. Had the ode at 7pm, went up to the Blue pacific Room, use my mobile and Saw Daryl who I have not seen in 5 years. The show started at 7.30pm with Steph Larman backed up by Paula Girvan on piano came on stage which they did jazz standards including Fly Me To The Moon and Sunny Side Of the Street which Steph sounded great with great piano playing by Paula and there was an interval which I saw Elaine as we chatted and bought an Coke with No Sugar which I drank it. Then after 8.20pm Melinda Schenider came out on stage and performed many of the Doris Day classics from the 40's and 50's including Prehaps Prehaps Prehaps, It's Magic, With A Song In My Heart, The Deadwood Stage and many others as well as telling stories about Doris Day from the start of her career to the end as well as performing 2 of her own songs with an great band backing her including Marion on double bass and she was on for an hour and an half. The show finished at 9.50pm, went to the merch stand which Steph who sang as the support act also does the merch and I bought an CD and DVD and Melinda came out to sign stuff as well as having photos with the fans as I got the CD and the DVD signed as well as getting an selfie, went outisde, Dad picked me, stopped @ petrol Station where I bought an Coke With No Sugar and came home. It was an FANTASTIC show with Melinda sounding and singing great doing the classic Doris Day which has stood the test of time as she does it so very well with an great band backing her as well as being very entertaining giving the audience an FANTASTIC show which she did and is an great entertainer when you think her mum and Aunty were very known working in Brisbane in the 50's and 60's which I asked Melinda how is her mother going which she is well and will be turning 92 next month. I look forward to seeing her live again in the future and if you would like to see her live please do yourselves an favour and SEE HER which you will be impressed and amazed. Set List- Shake The Blues Away Shanghai Windy City It's Magic Sentimental Journey With A Song In My Heart Prehaps Prehaps Prehaps Since You Went Away The Deadwood Stage Black Hills Of Dakota Pillow Talk On Moonlight Bay/By The Light Of the Silvery Moon Your Eyes Could Never Lie Everybody Loves A Lover Wish You Were Here Secret Love Que Sera Sera


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