Margaret Court the Autobiography

Margaret Court the Autobiography is the autobiography of former legendary Australian Tennis Player Margaret Court. In this book she talks about her upbringing in the country town of Albury to a hard living father and an mother who was very protective, her successful Tennis Career from 1959-77 which included 3 Wimbledon Titles as well as winning the Grand Slam in 1970, her marriage to Richard Court in 1967 which they are still together with 4 children and 9 grandchildren, having depression and seclusion, becoming an ordained minster and many others. It's an FANTASTIC and an BRILLIANT book with FANTASTIC stories told by Margaret and I enjoyed it reading it very much. It's 40 years since Margaret Court retired but is still fondly remembered after all these years and is involved with the ministry these days as she is the senior pastor at Victory Life Centre as well as founded the Margaret Court Ministries. The book is an must for Australian Tennis Fans as well as have an interest in Australian Tennis history and I give this 4 and an half stars which it's in the shops now so do yourselves an favour and BUY IT.


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