my week

this week has been an really good week for me and some very good things happened during the week which we start with SUnday as I went to church and keith Black preached and I became an member of the Norman Park Presbyterian Church and also went to the movies where I saw the film Charlie & BOots which was so very funny, very good and very ocker, went to work during the week which was busy as usual as 5F moved to 3D and it looks very nice and also tara from 3f is back at St ANdrews which i am glad to see her back and on Wednesday i sent out a lot of x-ray parcels which i did'nt leave work until 12.50pm and Beth said to me that i could take xmas off this year. yesterday went to kedron-wavell where i bought a ticket to Issi Dye an australia singer on sunday afternoon and today i did'nt go to ten pin bowling as i went to the movies with Lifestream @ South Bank where i saw Funny people which it was very funny and saw warren Johnston & Karen Buss 2 ex buranda students and also during the week Is aw another ex buranda student Sharon Montiford @ Richmond Road on the way home from Lifestream which she is well. here's to another week


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