
Just last Friday February 8th I went to the Balmoral cinema with my mum to see the movie Lincoln. It's 1865 with Abraham Lincoln (Daniel Day Lewis) being re-elected for the 2nd time as President of the United States wants to abolish slavery with the 13th Amendment which will ban the slavery from the USA and with the civil war not far from ending but his task is an race against time with peace might come any time which if it happens when the amendment is passed the returning southern states will stop it before it would become law and Lincoln who is also burdened by his wife MAry(Sally Field) as well as being caught between wanting to pass the Amendment through and to end the Civil war as he needs the votes to have the support and also the Secretary of State William seward played by David Strathian is charge of keeping the Republicans interested in the Amendment and of convincing 20 democrats to with it which he employs 3 people led by Bilbo played by James Spader to get them on side which gets interesting. It's an BRILLIANT and an SURPERB movie with BRILLIANT acting by Daniel Day Lewis who is nominated for an Oscar for Best Actor, Sally Field an 2 time Oscar Winner, Tommy Lee jones 1993 Oscar winner for the Fugitive as Thaddeus Jones, James Spader as Bilbo, David Strathian as William Seward, Joseph Levitt Gordon as Robert Lincoln(Abraham's son), Hal Holbrook and many what an top line cast. It's directed by Steven Spielberg as well as producer with Kathleen Kennedy, Tony Kusher did the screenplay, John Williams did the music, Janusz Kaminski did the cinematography and Michael Khan did the editing and also it is based on the book Teams of Rival the Political genius of abraham Lincoln by Doris Kearns Goodwin. I am giving this 5 stars and it's in the cinemas now.


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