At the End Of the Rainbow by Harry Young and the Original Aztecs

Last Year Harry Young an Australian singer who was in the group Harry Young and Sabbath in the early 70's known for hits The Wheat In the Field and San Bernandio got together with the Original Aztecs (Col Baigent,Tony Barber, Vince Melouney and John "Bluey" Watson) who played with Billy Thorpe from 1963-65 that did Blue Day,Poison Ivy,Mashed Potato,Sick and Tired and Over the Rainbow to record an album that is dedicated to the memory of Billy Thorpe who passed away on February 28th 2007 from an heart attack at the Pump Studio which lasted 7 months and it was releasedon the de Monde label on December 15th. On this album there is 4 songs written by Harry Young including At the ENd of the Rainbow, Sunshine Friends written by Billy Thorpe and Tony Barber, 9 re-recordings of the Billy THorpe and the Aztecs 60's recordings including Poison Ivy, Sick & tired and Over the Rainbow, an reprise of at the End Of the Rainbow, an bonus track the William Thorpe Overtrue and an new version of Someday which was the hit for Tony Barber in 1966. it's an excellent and BRILLIANT album which sounds FANTASTIC and an excellent performances by Harry Young and the Original Aztecs which Harry produces the album as well as the additional sequencing and arranging with Vince Melouney. The original Aztecs who had not played together since the Long Way to the Top tour in 2002 and 2003 but had recorded since the 60's and they play great on this album, I like the intro of the album done by Colin Baigent which it's great to listen to. It's an must for any fans of Australian rock'n'roll as well as fans of Billy Thorpe and well worth listening to. i give this 4 and an half stars and it's in the shops now


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